July 21, 2008

Mission Report: Wareham Borders Opening

My latest troop this past weekend was the grand opening in of a Borders concept store in Wareham, MA. All together, we had four TKs, a scout, a Republic Commando, a Vader, an officer, a Tusken Raider and a Rebel Pilot come out to attend the event, where we were on hand for pictures. Prior to the event, I went out and picked up new under armor. The Weird Al concert showed a need for new stuff, a new shirt (all black this time) and new pants that would fit better under the legs. The event was fun, pretty easy. Basically, all that we really did was walk around the store, meet kids and posed for pictures. I ended up losing my sniper plate a couple of times, but was able to keep everything else together, which was nice, for once. It was a low-key event, but a fun turnout, and we had fun afterward with dinner and a screening of The Dark Knight. Fun event, the highlight of an otherwise crappy weekend.

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