Jumpin’ Joe Stevenson joins the 501stCast crew as we report the latest news on R2-KT, Honorary Member Katie Cook, Celebration Japan, and other 501st events around the world. The Rebel Legion also returns to give us a progress report on the RFT costume, and we conclude our exclusive interview with Gerald Home.
Show Notes: Episode XVIII (June 26, 2008)
Hosts: Dean Plantamura (TK-899), Varza (DZ-8772) and Jumpin’ Joe Stevenson (TK-6064)
Post-Production: Dean Plantamura (TK-899) and Lor (TK-7883)
Content Development: Nicky Blum (DZ-8397) and Dean Plantamura (TK-899)
Contributors: Andrew Liptak (TK-3220), Burr Martin (TD-9993), Chris Richards (TK-1073), Adam Scott (RC-6124), Bob Gouveia (BH-1171), Matt Hoffman and Chris Baker
Recent News
- Imperial Public Service Announcement (videos)
- New Honorary Member: Katie Cook (Blogs: MCCC, 501st, R2-KT)
- R2-KT on the big screen (starwars.com gallery)
- R2-KT Commemorative Coin (picture) (how to order)
- Dutch Outpost: The Force Unleashed sneak peek
Honorary Member Interview with Gerald Home (part 2 of 2) (SWORA website)
Mission Reports
- Great Lakes Garrison: Nick Jr. Kid Expo (Cupid Shuffle, Jaster & the 9 Volts)
- Taiwan Formosa Outpost: Call for aid for Sichuan earthquake victims (World Vision Taiwan)
- MidSouth Garrison: Night Stalker Family Fun Day (gallery, video)
- Swiss Garrison: Zurich Comic Convention
- New England Garrison: Hasbro Kids Carnival (gallery)
- Florida Garrison: Star Wars Weekends
- Golden Gate Garrison: Foster a Dream Gala
- Great Lakes Garrison: Drive-In Movie Night
Rebel Legion Segment
Upcoming Events
- Japanese Garrison: Celebration Japan
- Weird Al Yankovic concerts (tour dates)
- Nordic Garrison: Star Wars: The Exhibition
- Midwest Garrison: Wizard World Chicago
- Trooper Websites: TK-8541 - Faithful Servant of the Empire
- Contest/Giveaway - win an exclusive patch!
Honorary Member Birthday Wishes
Steve Sansweet (June 14th)
C. Andrew Nelson (June 22nd)
David Prowse (July 1st)
William Hootkins (July 5th)
Bruce Boa (July 10th)
501stCast MiniCasts - Detachment Briefing and Stump the Trooper

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